Drinking tea regularly has been shown to improve the immune system. The Polyphenols in tea have been shown to help increase the white blood cell count, which is responsible for fighting infection. The high vitamin C content found primarily in Green Tea also helps to strengthen the immune system.

Weight Loss and Obesity

  • Increase your metabolism
  • Did you know that drinking tea can help you lose weight and when taken without milk contains no calories?
  • Many of the modern diet supplements now contain Green Tea Extract, the reason is that it makes the body burn fat quicker.
  • The leaves of tea plant are thermogenic, which means that Green Tea raises the metabolism without increasing the heart rate, meaning you burn more calories.
  • Much has been written lately about Pu Erh tea and it’s ability to assist in weight management. This type of tea is widely drunk in China with meals to aid digestion. It’s ability to increase digestion of fatty foods with incredible efficiency is why it is recommended that this tea is drunk with meals. It is also proven to reduce cholesterol levels when drunk regularly, again with meals.

Caffeine and Re-hydration

Tea, Caffeine and your body
Caffeine acts as a stimulant to the nervous system, and its mild action may help to prevent a feeling of fatigue. However, it is also a weak diuretic, which stimulates the production of urine by depressing secretion of anti-diuretic hormone. The suggested maximum daily intake is 300mg.

Tea does contain caffeine, however significantly less than coffee. A typical cup of Black Tea contains around 50mg per 190ml cup compared to up to 150mg in a coffee. Green Tea contains even less caffeine, typically around 25mg per cup, with White Tea containing even less at an average of 20mg.

Over the past decade or so we have become far too used to popping into Starbucks for a Skinny Latte or a Double Espresso on a regular basis without thought for the amount of caffeine we are consuming. This puts undue stress on the body and the mind and we are slowly beginning to move towards a more health conscious society in which Tea will play an important role once again.

Recently a panel of experts, which included internationally renowned nutritionists and biochemists, identified tea drinking as being hydrating rather than dehydrating and something that, due to its relatively low caffeine content, was mood enhancing yet had no negative effect on sleep quality or duration.


Up to 70% of our body is water and it is therefore important to replace fluids that are lost through day-to-day activities. The suggested daily intake of water is 2.5 litres

Due to the low caffeine levels found in Green Tea and White Tea, they would not be classed as being diuretic and can be drunk throughout the day all of which will count toward your daily intake of fluids.

Our Products

Afribridge Trade Exporters Limited


Member of ETTA
Blenders &v exporters of high quality tea

  Shimanzi Area,
Siginon Warehouses
  +254 41 2222044/422
+254 41 2220512